I enjoy learning about spirits and talking to people who also enjoy partaking of spirits! I’ve been demo’ing/selling wine, whiskey, etc since 2010 for various companies. I am self-educated when it comes to wine/whiskey and the processes intrigue me. I pay attention to detail, very reliable and pride myself that my time working for a company is their time. I research my products and sell the story and would like to focus on whiskey. I had the pleasure of meeting Marsha Milam, I told her I love her products and that I would love to sell her story. She asked me to look into High Profile and I’m delighted, at her request, to offer my services. I have worked with her products in the past. I purposely choose not to spread myself too thin with too many companies as I do have a full time position but I would love to work with High Profile and represent your good reputation as well as Milam & Greene. Thank you for your consideration. Cheers, Cindy