I am TABC certified With being TABC certified, I would love to join the brand ambassador area. I love being educated about new alcohol, wine and spirits to promote and market to our local community liquor stores or local grocery stores. I am a people person, so I am easily able to engage with consumers if traffic is slow or if traffic is heavy. A combination of my knowledge and education of new alcohol, wine and spirits, my up-beat attitude, my big smile, and the love of being a brand ambassador gives me the opportunity to get sales on each gigs that I have had promoted in past gigs. I have great cust0mer service. I humbly will state that I have what it takes to accomplish the vision that this entity is seeking to fill in the brand ambassadors department. I will execute all the duties required at my due diligence and be within compliance required within the TABC laws. I hope to be part of this team to be part of the brand ambassador family within High Profile Promotions.